Due Vittorie Aged Apple Cider Vinegar 250ml


The Due Vittorie Apple Cider Vinegar is produced in Modena from Italian apples only. It is aged for one year in barriques. It is both a healthy and particularly tasty. We highly recommend it for salads and desserts. It has won 3 Great Taste Stars in 2024 from the Guild of Fine Foods. Here are some of the judges comments: "The judges absolutely loved this product. The aged apple character was so well balanced and the texture made this an ACV you want to just sit down and sip. Texturally impressive and possibly the best ACV the judges have tried. An incredibly nuanced and well-made product with a great balance of apple flavours." 

Due Vittorie Aged Apple Cider Vinegar has an outstanding flavour and several health advantages. It is a culinary masterpiece since it is made with Italian apples and aged following a similar process to the balsamic vinegar Due Vittorie is famous for.  The outcome is a fresh apple cider vinegar with a flavour profile that is equal parts sweet and tart.

Apple cider vinegar has become famous for its delicious taste and possible health advantages. It may help with purification, weight management, and digestion.

The Due Vittorie apple vinegar is a versatile condiment that enhances the flavour of salad dressings, marinades, and even as a health tonic. It can be used in a wide variety of ways, making it valuable to cooks and people who care about their health. You may enjoy a spoon of best apple cider vinegar diluted in water, or prepare a delicious fruit salad.  Find out why Due Vittorie Aged Apple Cider Vinegar is so special and use it to take your cooking to innovative levels.

Ingredients: apple juice.  Allergens: contains sulphites

Delivery charge from £3.99. Free from £50 order value. Delivery via Royal Mail and UK Mail (DHL)